Information about the Stroubles Creek Watershed located in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Monday, September 30, 2013


In 2006, the VT Biological Systems Engineering department, VA Water Resources Research Center, VA Department of Environmental Quality, and VA Department of Conservation and Recreation worked together to create a TDML Implementation Plan for the Upper Stroubles Creek Watershed. The upper portion of the Stroubles Creek watershed is mostly located in Blacksburg and on the VT campus, but some of it is outside of city limits in Montgomery County, as shown in the map below.

Taken from:
TDMLs are total daily maximum loads of pollutants that a waterway can handle and still be healthy (aquatic life). These plans can be very dense and technical, but they are very useful when trying to reduce non-point source pollution to make an impaired stream healthier. The VA DEQ created a flier/fact sheet about Stroubles Creek and its TDML plan. It is very informative and to the point, so if you're not comfortable with the entire plan or you just want some basic information about the watershed and its plan, you should definitely check it out!  Stroubles Creek TDML Flier

At the bottom of the flier, there is a link to the entire TDML plan with contact information. However, that link is no longer active, so here is the link for the final implementation plan document if you'd like to read the specifics. Implementation Plan Link

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